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• Public Website – www.cap.mil: CAP’s public website is a source of available services and products. It also serves as the entry point for customers requesting accommodations and assistance. Links to CAP’s social media content and other online resources produced by CAP are also available.    

• Facebook Page – www.facebook.com/DoDCAP: Facebook is a social media tool that creates a community with the members. Facebook gives members the ability to interact with CAP.

• Twitter Page – www.twitter.com/DoDCAP: Twitter is a social media tool that provides links and updates about CAP and the disability field. Using Twitter allows CAP to send information in a fast pace, real time environment.

• Instagram Page - https://www.instagram.com/dod_cap/: Instagram is a social media tool that allows for the sharing of pictures. Using Instagram allows CAP to reach a wide audience. 

• YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/TheDoDCAP: The CAP YouTube Channel is used to share Section 508 compliant videos produced by CAP. The videos are also shared on social media as well as incorporated into presentations conducted by CAP staff.

• CAP Online Training Library – https://www.cap.mil/onlinetraininglibrary: This section of the website is in development and actively being updated! In the meantime, if you can't find what you are looking for, all CAP trainings are on the CAP YouTube Channel. The training library will have online training modules. These modules help to illustrate how simple the hiring of employees with disabilities can really be and how to provide reasonable accommodations after individuals are hired. All CAP trainings are Section 508 compliant.

• CAPtions Newsletter - https://www.cap.mil/newsletter This section of the website is in development. CAP produces a newsletter called CAPtions, which highlights CAP’s activities, recent achievements, and related news of interest to CAP customers and other stakeholders. The newsletter is available on CAP’s website.

• Digital Signage: CAP creates a series of Digital Signage ads that highlight CAP services that support Presidential Proclamations. These kiosks are in the Pentagon and at several other DoD facilities throughout the National Capital Region.


Additional Resources:

Access Board

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Office of Personnel Management

Job Accommodations Network